Case Study 1 - Paper Less Office! Better SFA! and quicker response
The Solution We were involved in this project from start to finish. We evaluated tools in the areas of customer relationship management, workflow management, document management and marketing communications. The Lead Organizer was customized to the client's specification. After implementation of the applications services programs the client was able to start the work immediately because there was a direct interface with existing information on his systems.
The client now has a customer related history of events, customer interaction, personal information and documents related to the case, and these are available to him online. He was also able to access the information at his office, at the customer's home or any other place.
In the event clarifications were needed, the agent was able to revert to his customer immediately. He does not have to say, "I will get back to you."
The LeadOrganizer's virtual document management center with the personal contact manager and multi functional communications tools ensures an e-office with high satisfaction levels from the client's customers. The client's agent was able to access any customer related query with supporting e-documents available on the host server. He was also able to communicate via sending emails, performing text chats, and making phone calls. The embedded Custom Quote Page engine ensured that the customer could be given quotes of all associated carriers, rates and their underwriting criteria.
The client was also able to analyze customers and make special efforts with certain prospects by providing better responses. He could transfer it from one agent to another and manage accounts for better profitability and effectiveness.
All this has been ensured through web enabled services and electronic communications; thus, LeadOrganizer brings paperless office operations into the realm of reality for small and medium businesses. |
The Challenge |
The carrier had been operating in a paper intensive environment and struggling for years with the lead processing. Also a high error rate compounded the redundancy and low productivity problems. The entire system needed to be revamped so that a more efficient and productive environment could be created –and to build a higher success ratio.
This is particularly relevant when considered alongside the results of a study by Conning & Co - "Insurance & Technology - Leveraging the Drivers of Competitive Advantage" which showed that the average office worker maintains 20,000 pieces of paper and spends between 7-25% of the day searching for necessary information, a percentage of which is often missing or incomplete.
The following objectives were identified for the system: Integration of the legacy system with CRM and work flow management tools for better lead management and improved customer service. Also an integrated database, information and documentation that was easily accessible.
Automation of the lead collection interface with the task management and multi-functional communication tools to bring about seamless connectivity to smoothen out work and process flows. This included the integration of the contact management center, virtual document management center and marketing automation.
Web-enabling of lead processing so that services from capturing of leads to queries on right product fit could be affected online. |
To see our final solution, Click here |
BimSym's Offers |
BimSym offers two groups of web-based customized applications having high levels of functionality. The first group is made of proprietary Custom Quote engines for term, annuity, and boat insurance. The second group is the e-CRM applications, the LeadOrganizer -- that significantly improves the sales and marketing effectiveness in a business, and the NewsletterOrganizer, the hosted email marketing that automates the marketing function for better customer experience. |